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Showing posts from May, 2014

Circumvention and the False Claims Act

Circumvention has been one of the key topics of discussion this year in the U.S.-China aluminum extrusion trade case.  In this month ’ s blog entry I will discuss the False Claims Act.  As you may recall, earlier this year the AEC reported that several companies in the Tai Shan case had settled allegations of False Claims Act violations brought by the Department of Justice.    This news triggered a number of discussions among AEC membership about circumvention in general and generated a lot of questions about the False Claims Act.   As the Council ’ s program manager on the Fair Trade Case, this year part of my journey has been to learn more about circumvention and what the United States government is doing to enforce trade orders.  The government has shown significant interest in investigating companies that have allegedly falsified documentation during the importation of aluminum extrusions.  Such conduct could be considered a violation of th...