The agenda for our trade case continues to be driven by transshipment/circumvention issues and the 232 Investigation. Meanwhile, our ‘base case’ is so quiet that we’ve been able to free up budget dollars from the Administrative Review to finance our circumvention case against Vietnam. The Administrative Review is now complete. The final rates determined by the Department of Commerce are 86% for countervailing duty (CVD) and 16% for anti-dumping duty (AD). The total of 102% is our highest rate since we first filed the case. Scope issues have calmed down a lot. In fact, only the curtain wall case, the appliance handles case, and door threshold cases are on the front burner. Reports from the hearing for the curtain wall case were very positive. The attorney leading that effort, David Spooner, is quite confident we will win this round. Of course, we fully expect another appeal from the Chinese. We are awaiting the decision from the judge i...

The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) has led the U.S. aluminum extrusion industry in achieving level competition by winning tariff protection that offsets unfair trade practices of extruders/importers of aluminum profiles produced in China. Our efforts have been of enormous value to domestic extruders and suppliers. Conservatively, an estimated 800 million pounds per year of extrusions are being produced in the U. S. that would have otherwise been lost to China.