Well, in case you missed it, a group of Aluminum Extruders Council members filed a historic AD/CVD case against 15 countries. All 15 countries will be sued for dumping (AD), and four will be sued for subsidies (CVD). In a press release issued earlier this week, which you can read here , the countries were identified as well as the projected duties the coalition seeks. Anyone within the four walls of the Aluminum Extruders Council knew this was coming. It has been discussed for four years. To address rising imports, we battled in the enforcement arena, we went hard after products under assault in scope challenges and worked hard on the 232. After exhausting every available option, and never seeing a dent in the import stats, we were faced with this hard decision. That is where we are today. The Hearing will be held later this month, and decisions will start to be rendered in the weeks that follow. Communications about the details of ...

The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) has led the U.S. aluminum extrusion industry in achieving level competition by winning tariff protection that offsets unfair trade practices of extruders/importers of aluminum profiles produced in China. Our efforts have been of enormous value to domestic extruders and suppliers. Conservatively, an estimated 800 million pounds per year of extrusions are being produced in the U. S. that would have otherwise been lost to China.